What does Freedom For Gracie and Justice For Grant Look Like?
Freedom For Gracie means living at home full time without fear she will be taken away by an abusive father or a corrupt court system. Freedom to live in peace while she continues to grieve, grow, and pursue justice for herself, her mother, and her brother.
Gracie and Angie are survivors of every type of abuse. Grant did not survive. All three deserve justice. Their perpetrator should be held accountable and real change enacted in the institutions that fostered the abuse.
Why was Gracie taken from her mother?
The cause was listed as "fear of psychological harm," however Angie apparently angered the court when she would not disclose details of the video Gracie had made and the social media accounts supporting her.
The court bench ordered Gracie into DCS custody.​
Why was Gracie taken from her mother?
The cause was listed as "fear of psychological harm," however Angie apparently angered the court when she would not disclose details of the video Gracie had made and the social media accounts supporting her.
The court bench ordered Gracie into DCS custody.​